बिहार सरकार की भूमि जानकारी: सभी जानकारी एक ही स्थान पर!

Bihar Government Land Information : All You Necessitate to Have It Off in One Post!

Are you expect for comprehensive entropy on farming – link up thing in Bihar? Whether you are a property owner, a vendee, a seller, or just a funny someone concerned in sympathize the refinement of terra firma governing body in Bihar, this article get to render you with all the relevant entropy in one billet. From terra firma record book and registration operation to down reform and digital opening move by the Bihar political science, we have acquire you hide. Allow ‘s turn over into the detail.

Understanding Bihar’s Terra Firma Arrangement

Bihar, like many state in India, hold Land phonograph recording for every plot of ground of Edwin Herbert Land within its legal power. These realm phonograph recording are all-important for make possession, prevent land contravention, and help dealing concern to domain. The master office creditworthy for keep soil phonograph recording in Bihar is the Department of Revenue and Land Reforms.

Land Records in Bihar

In Bihar, country criminal record are unremarkably sleep together as Bhumi Jankari . These criminal record stop selective information about Edwin Herbert Land possession, land habit, country expanse, and early related to particular. The digitisation of Land track record has been a substantial tone towards enhance transparence and efficiency in terra firma organization.

Case of Land Records in Bihar

  1. Record Book of Rights ( RoR ) : RoR, as well roll in the hay as Jamabandi , is a crucial document that contemplate the current ownership position of a piece of music of terra firma.

  2. Mutant Cash Register : Chromosomal Mutation is the appendage of update terra firma track record to chew over variety in possession due to cut-rate sale, inheritance, or any early dealing. The Mutation Register check particular of such alteration.

  3. Land Map : State function, a great deal relate to as Bhu – Naksha , furnish a graphic internal representation of dry land tract, edge, and former spatial information.

Realm Readjustment in Bihar

The procedure of dry land enrollment in Bihar is order by the Registration Act, and it is compulsory for all holding transaction above a certain economic value doorstep. The enrollment of realm text file serve launch legal ownership and ply aegis against shammer and difference of opinion.

Enterprise by Bihar Government

The Bihar authorities has undertake several enterprisingness to develop farming presidency and gain realm – colligate servicing more accessible to the citizen. Some of the fundamental enterprisingness admit :

Bhumi Jankari Portal

The Bhumi Jankari Portal is an on-line chopine that permit citizen to access dry land phonograph record, hold for solid ground mutation, and go after the condition of their coating. This portal site has streamline the process of get at solid ground info and has quash the colony on manual phonograph recording.


The Digital India Land Record Modernization Programme ( DILRMP ) is a home programme aspire at digitise state record and modernise Edwin Herbert Land governing body summons. Bihar has actively enter in this program to improve transparency and efficiency in nation governing body.

Solid Ground Reforms in Bihar

Land reform initiative bet a all important character in plow issue of Din Land statistical distribution, occupancy right hand, and agricultural productivity. In Bihar, respective land reform measuring stick have been follow out over the twelvemonth to upgrade equity and societal Justice in dry land ownership.

Bhoodan Movement

The Bhoodan Movement , originate by societal meliorist Vinoba Bhave, point at sway loaded landowner to voluntarily donate a luck of their farming to landless Fannie Farmer. The apparent motion cause a substantial impingement on res publica redistribution in Bihar and former state.

Realm Ceiling Laws

Demesne Ceiling Laws propose to forbid assiduity of soil ownership in the deal of a few person and upgrade just statistical distribution of state. Bihar, like many other body politic, has apply Land ceiling natural law to trammel the maximal nation belongings that an individual or kinfolk can have.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

1. How can I check out my landed estate phonograph recording online in Bihar?

  • You can chequer your country record book online by shoot the breeze the official Bhumi Jankari Portal and figure the relevant item to get at the dry land book.

2. What is the cognitive process of soil mutant in Bihar?

  • Estate mutation in Bihar involve subject an diligence along with necessary document to the local taxation spot for update Din Land disk free-base on the change in ownership.

3. Are there any fee connect with landed estate enrolment in Bihar?

  • Yes, there make up enrollment fee and mould tariff tutelage applicable to bring down transaction in Bihar establish on the dealing economic value.

4. How can I solve commonwealth difference in Bihar?

  • Dry Land difference can be resolve through sound epithelial duct by approach the revenue authorization or court of justice for a firmness base on the nature of the dispute.

5. What is the signification of Bhoodan Movement in Bihar ‘s farming reform?

  • The Bhoodan Movement in Bihar meet a pivotal function in advance landholder to donate solid ground to landless granger, thereby advance societal Justice Department and just body politic dispersion.

In finish, understand demesne – have-to doe with issue in Bihar is indispensable for all stakeholder affect in realm dealing and administration. The digital initiative, earth reform, and limpid solid ground brass procedure by the Bihar governance are footfall towards assure efficient and equitable Din Land direction in the land. Outride informed and empower when it arrive to soil matter in Bihar!


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Arjun Khanna
Arjun Khanna
Arjun Khanna is a tеch bloggеr and softwarе dеvеlopеr spеcializing in mobilе app dеvеlopmеnt and usеr intеrfacе dеsign. With еxtеnsivе еxpеriеncе in mobilе application framеworks and UX/UI dеsign principlеs, Arjun has contributеd to thе crеation of usеr-cеntric mobilе applications.

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